Aranjuez Madrid

royal palace aranjuezAranjuez, a town south of Madrid, is located at a distance of 48 Km from Madrid and an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. It is located in the valley of the Tagus and Jarama rivers. You can access Aranjuez from Madrid by the north-south axis along the A-4 or the turnpike radial 4. Access to the west-east axis through the N-400, between Toledo and Cuenca.

Its population is over 58,000 inhabitants. Its economy is based primarily on the hospitality and tourism. To a lesser extent the activity is founded on industry, construction and agriculture.

The weather is very cold in winter with heavy frost. The proximity of the river Tagus, produces heavy fogs. In summer the summers are very hot.

In paragraph are famous gourmet asparagus and strawberries, in season are sold in different positions.

On May 30 we celebrate the feast day of San Fernando, patron of Aranjuez.

Aranjuez offers places of tourist interest is the case the Aranjuez Royal Palace, its gardens and the river Tagus. She was appointed by Philip II in 1560, one of the Royal Sites of the Spanish Monarchy and in turn holds the title of town since 1899, which is also known as the Royal Seat and Village of Aranjuez.

Among its museums and monuments are

-Palacio Real de Aranjuez

-Jardín del Príncipe

-Plaza y Iglesia de San Antonio

-Iglesia de Alpajés.

-Convento de San Pascual de Aranjuez

-Casa del Labrador

-Casa del Gobernador

-Palacio de Medinaceli.

-Casa de Oficios y Casa de Caballeros

-Casa de Infantes y Casa de Atarfe

-Museo de Falúas

-Real Iglesia de San Antonio

-Mercado de Abastos.

-Plaza de Toros y Museo Taurino

-Palacio de Medinaceli

-Real Cortijo de San Isidro.

-Casa de la Monta